Lately I have been trying to find a book series because I have been struggling finding a good series. I started reading "The Gardians of Gahoole" but that didn't work out. I borrowed "How To Train Your Dragon" book from the library and left it on my dresser for about 2 weeks. Then one night I had nothing to do so I forced myself to start reading that book. It started to get really interesting, and by the time I finished it I wanted to read more. So I looked at the second book called "How To Be a Pirate" and I liked it; it was my favorite one so far. I just finished the third book, called "How to Speak Dragonese". And now I'm waiting for the 4th book to come to the library.
The movie changed the entire plot and point of the book series. In the books their supposed to have dragons to help them through their lives; like get their food and stuff. And there's no such thing as a "nightfury" in the books. I did like the movie; it wasn't bad. But the books are better.